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Get the differing values from a comparison


value_diffs(comparison, column)

value_diffs_stacked(comparison, column = everything())



The output of compare()


<tidy-select>. The output will show the differing values for the provided columns.



A data frame with one row for each element of col found to be unequal between the input tables ( table_a and table_b from the original compare() output) The output table has the column specified by column from each of the input tables, plus the by columns.

value_diffs_stacked(), value_diffs_all()

A data frame containing the value_diffs() outputs for the specified columns combined row-wise using dplyr::bind_rows(). If dplyr::bind_rows() is not possible due to incompatible types, values are converted to character first. value_diffs_all() is the same as value_diffs_stacked() with column = everything()


comp <- compare(example_df_a, example_df_b, by = car)
value_diffs(comp, disp)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   disp_a disp_b car           
#>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>         
#> 1    109    108 Datsun 710    
#> 2    259    258 Hornet 4 Drive
value_diffs_stacked(comp, c(disp, mpg))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   column val_a val_b car           
#>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>         
#> 1 mpg     14.3  16.3 Duster 360    
#> 2 mpg     24.4  26.4 Merc 240D     
#> 3 disp   109   108   Datsun 710    
#> 4 disp   259   258   Hornet 4 Drive